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The latest version of our Demand API (V3.1) is now available.
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Error Codes
The table below lists all the possible error codes you may encounter after requests to our API.
In case of an error, the response message will include the fields:
* error_message
* user_error
A successful request will return a response with HTTP status = 200 and no "user_error" field. If this is not the case, an error has occurred.
| --- | --- |
| 400 | HTTP 400 - Bad request
| 401 | HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
| 403 | HTTP 403 - Forbidden
| 404 | HTTP 404 - Not found
| 429 | HTTP 429 - Too many requests
| 500 | Internal server error
| 501 | Not implemented
| 503 | Service unavailable
|1001 | Internal error (with a unique ID if the error is logged; in such cases you should contact Booking.com to trace the error)
|1002 | One or more required input parameters are missing
|1003 | One or more input parameters have an illegal format
|1004 | Object not found
|1005 | An HTTPS (SSL) connection is required for using this procedure
|1006 | Invalid parameter combination
|1007 | Too many requests per minute. Please don't over-utilise this function (i.e. only for testing)
|1008 | Too many parallel requests
|1009 | One or more input parameters have an incorrect value
|1010 | Function not allowed
|1011 | The specified hotel is not in service
|1012 | XML parse error
|1013 | Credit card validation error
|1014 | This call requires a connection to a secure server. Please add the "secure-" prefix to the domain name
|1015 | This call cannot be made to a secure server. Please remove the "secure-" prefix from the domain name
|1105 | Room not found
|1106 | Room is not part of the hotel
|1107 | The block you are trying to book is not available. Either the block is no longer available, or it is not available at the incremental price you specified. Since version 2.10 incremental price mismatch error had another code (see 1108 error).
|1108 | Added in version 2.10. The supplied incremental price is not correct for this block_id
|1109 | The supplied iam_user_token is invalid or expired.
|1110 | The BBX flow requires a valid booking user account, but no iam_user_token nor user_id were supplied.
|1111 | A request is blocked because it's considered a hijack for a booking
|1119 | Affiliate not found
|1120 | Affiliate is closed
|1122 | Guest_qty is not between 1 and the maximum permitted value
|1123 | The given booking is cancelled
|1124 | The arrival date must be today or in the future
|1125 | The number of rooms specified is more than the maximum allowed
|1126 | Minimum length of stay for the requested hotel(s) was not fulfilled
|1127 | The requestor needed a reservation that could be cancelled for free, but the found blocks cannot
|1142 | User must complete captcha challenge before retrying request
|2001 | The provided token is invalid
|2002 | Missing reservation ID or pincode
|2003 | An unknown error when linking the booking to a user account
|2004 | This booking has already been linked to a different user account
|2005 | This booking has already been processed and a cached result will be returned
|2006 | Book process failed
|2007 | There was a problem processing payment
|2010 | The credit card used to book has insufficient funds
|2011 | Item not available
|2012 | China Loyalty Program:instant redemption coupon feature, redeem coupon failed
|2013 | Prepayment information is not available for multiple property requests
|2101 | (v2.5) For authorise 3d secure - user needs to be redirected to issuer interface
|2102 | Property does not support the requested payment method type (typically a "pay now" was requested for a property that can't process it)
|2103 | Hotel does not support requested payment timing
|2104 | Payment timing not supported with the specified payment method
|2105 | Payment timing not supported for all the specified blocks
|2106 | The credit card used to book is expired
|2107 | The given credit card number is invalid
|2108 | The amount to be charged is invalid
|2109 | The given payment method is invalid
|2110 | The given CVC is invalid
|2111 | The requested amount cannot be charged on the credit card used to book
|2112 | The credit card used to book was already charged too many times
|2113 | The payment service provider did not accept the credit card
|2114 | Strong Customer Authentication required for this payment